How to be vulnerable in a relationship
You’ve probably heard it said that vulnerability is important in a relationship. You may have thought, “No way! That’s not for me!” You are not the only one who tries to avoid vulnerability. You will eventually need to express your feelings and thoughts. It can be a very uncomfortable experience. I completely get it! You’re right to be nervous and excited when you bring up feelings.
You’ve been with someone for a while, but you don’t know where the relationship is going. You may want to have a deeper emotional connection, but are unsure if he feels the same way.
Recently, I received a message from a client who was unsure of how to express her desire for more in the relationship. She wanted it to be exclusive without pushing him out or ruining a good relationship.
This is the voice message that I sent her. The voice message offered her some suggestions on how she could share her feelings with him in a way which would bring her closer, but still remain true to what she valued. I gave her some examples of things she could do or say if he reacted a certain way. Listen to this message and tell me if it was helpful for you.
It’s a pleasure to announce that my client had the courage to speak up. Her response was much better than she had expected.
I am afraid to be vulnerable.
You will create unconsciously stories about the situation and how someone feels if you avoid being vulnerable. When you speak out, you gain clarity and insights. You can form a real connection with your date. This allows you to be true to yourself and your needs. Pretending that everything is fine when it’s really not, will leave you feeling resentful and discouraged.
Do you feel like running away or avoiding the situation, hoping that it will work out naturally if you speak up? You should book a call with to learn how to be more open. You need to be able to communicate your wants and needs in order to have the relationship that you desire.
Some of my other posts might be interesting to you, such as How To Get A Man to Commit To You or How Break Relationship Patterns.