Ten Things You Can Do When Single

Contrary to popular belief, being single does not mean you are a failure.

If you look at it that way, the time you are single, whether it is a temporary stage in your life or your entire life, can be a blessing. You can do things that will be more difficult to do after marriage and prepare yourself for marriage.

How can you make the most of your singledom?

  1. Use your time wisely.
    As a single, you’ll never enjoy more time to yourself than now. It’s not because married people are always saying it, but rather that it is true. All of them have lived through it. How will you spend this time? (1 Timothy 4:12)
  2. Try something difficult.
    Traveling is always possible, but not always. Many trips can be complicated and more challenging due to marriage, children, or even old age. You can now travel anywhere your car or airline will take. See the world. Share Jesus with someone who needs Him. (Romans 10:15)
  3. Learn to earn, but not only to work.
    A family, or a mortgage can be expensive. This means that you need a steady income to support your family. It also limits the job opportunities available. You can start preparing for this now if you are single and young. Learn the skills that you will need to land the job of your dreams. You may have to work for less money to gain the skills you need, but it’s okay because you only feed one mouth. (Proverbs 22:29)
  4. Learn about the Bible.
    Continued on the topic of “learning”, the best time to study your Bible is right now. You’ll have no more time for study and more years in which to put it into practice. It is impossible to master a “skill” more valuable than knowing how to use and navigate the Word of God. You will learn about God and His desires, and you’ll be able give Godly advice to those in need. (2 Timothy 3:16)
  5. Pursue purity.
    Limiting the baggage and bad habits that you bring to the marriage is one of the best gifts you can offer your future spouse. There is no better moment to learn to be faithful to a partner than right now. You will develop the habit of following your sexual desires, even if it means leaving your marriage. ( 1 Corinthians 6.18 )
  6. Pray to your future spouse
    How can I pray? You can begin by praying for them this list. You can pray that they will make the most of their singleness and prepare for marriage. Pray they will know God and follow Him faithfully. You both need to trust God’s timing and avoid “shortcuts.”
  7. Join a local church and volunteer there.
    It seems obvious, but for some reason, singles are slow to join a church and become involved. I don’t get it. You can’t live outside of Christ’s body as a Christian. It would be like trying to survive without your body. God created you to live in His church. Find a church that teaches from the Bible, even if it is imperfect. Join them. You will be under the authority of elders. There, you can serve and give. Share your talents so you can experience life the way it was intended for you. (Hebrews 10:24-25)
  8. Find a roommate.
    There is no better way to prepare for marriage than living with a roommate who is utterly dysfunctional. I’m serious. You will hate marriage if you say to yourself “I love living alone.” Now I would practice living with roommates. You can resolve conflicts with them. Communicate well with them. If you think that I’m talking about the opposite gender, I’m not. This is what you should read. (Proverbs 27, 17)
  9. Develop healthy habits
    It becomes increasingly difficult to take care of yourself. Your metabolism slows down as you age, but your eating and exercising habits remain the same. Train them now. The Bible says that your body is a Temple. You don’t have to look at your temple in the mirror. It should be healthy. ( 1 Corinthians 6.19-20 )
  10. Find a spouse.
    If you do not want to get married, ignore this. You can rest assured that your spouse won’t fall through the roof and onto your lap if you want to be married. If they did, then go to number 4. You need to be in the same place as future spouses if you want to find one. See also number 7. (Proverbs 18:22)

What was the best thing you did during your single years?

Invest a summer, or even a whole year in missions.

By Mike

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