Never Settle for Less
When it comes to romance, never settle for anything less than what you deserve. My clients tend to be strong, independent women with a clear vision of what they want out of life. They are also willing to put in the work to achieve it. The women put in a lot more effort than most to date and have relationships but still can’t fill the gap. Can you relate to this? It’s frustrating, right? You have so much to give, but can’t find the right partner to share your life.
This is the thing.
These women often make the same mistake: They settle. There’s something always missing in relationships they have with men who seem decent, but aren’t. They “hang in” and wait for the guy to change, instead of leaving and moving on to someone better. He doesn’t want to marry/have children right now, he will change …”. Or “He is so talented …”
Spoiler Alert: He won’t change and neither will what you want.
You will never have room in your life for someone who is everything you deserve and want. I’m telling you to trust me. It’s tempting, but it’s not how you find true love.
You can only attract the men you want when you tell guys “enough” about them.
I can speak from personal experience. When I stopped wasting time on guys who weren’t right for me, I saw the men that were always there. The men were right there in front of me, but I didn’t notice them because I spent too much time with the wrong guys. Funny thing, neither was I right for them! I was preventing them from finding the right partner.
Are you settling for less? You might want to ask yourself:
- Do you settle for less in your dating life than you deserve? What steps do you take to break this pattern and attract a partner that is right for you?
- Have you ever held on to a person or relationship in the hope that they would change?
You may find some of my blog posts helpful. You can read here to learn how to break old relationship patterns, and to improve your self-worth in order to attract the perfect man.