Dos and Don’ts of Hinge answers for the Most Popular Prompts

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In our last blog post, we discussed the prompts Hinge claims get the most response on their app. It’s now time to dive into these prompts and talk about what you should or shouldn’t be saying in your responses. We will divide this list into several posts, as there are 25 prompts.

The Best and Worst Way to Answer Hinge’s Most Popular Prompts:

Prompt 1 – How to win me over?

It’s because it gives the people the keys to their castle. This prompt says “If you do this, then I am yours”. That makes it one of the most tempting questions to answer. This is a direct answer that leaves no room for ambiguity. It’s not a sure thing, though. If you give the wrong answer, people will swipe left faster than they would if it were a picture of a man in a bathroom mirror.

Do: Focus on the positive. Consider the types of people you enjoy spending time with. Consider their attitudes and actions. It shows where your headspace is. You can also have some fun by giving them a challenge that is based in reality. You could say, “The best way to win my heart is to pet every dog we see at the farmer’s markets.”

DON’T: Focus on what you missed in past relationships. This prompt is used way too much to discuss honesty, loyalty and the ability to communicate. It’s true that these things are important, but because they are foundational for healthy relationships, mentioning them can make it seem like you have problems. Also, don’t get too cutesy. You will lose the chance to have a meaningful conversation if you answer this question with something like “the way to win my heart is to beat me in a race around the globe.”


Prompt # 2 – My simple pleasures

If you don’t give enough details or give too little, you may miss the opportunity to answer a question.

Do: Either focus on one item or create a list with three items. Even-numbered list are more visually pleasing than odd-numbered list. If you’re focusing on one thing, don’t limit it to a single word. You can talk about your coffee pleasure, but you should also mention the type, where you get it and what you do when you don’t have it. In the coming blog posts, you will hear this phrase a lot: Words without context are meaningless. Give it some color and details if it’s important enough to mention.

DON’T: Give too little or too many. You will look uninterested if you only give one word answer. Give them a list of ten simple pleasures and they will look at you like a student reading a school assignment.


Prompt #3 – I go crazy for

You can make something that’s important to you shine with this prompt. This is not about convincing them to love something as much as you, but rather to show them why you are passionate about it.

DO NOT: Do not focus on the other person or yourself. You should always give context to your actions. If you only give them the popcorn or a certain laugh, you will not be able to connect. You can use popcorn as an example. You might respond to the prompt by saying: “I love popcorn and the more butter, the better!” It’s not healthy for me but I still feel like a six-year-old every time I open a bag of popcorn or a bow.

DON’T: Do not make it physical. I’ve seen people respond to this question with things like a sexy, tanned body, strong shoulders, nice teeth, etc. It’s true that there are certain things that make us envious of someone else’s body, but it won’t help you start a conversation with a complete stranger. You’ll look as if you are only interested in the physical.


Prompt #4 – Together we can

This prompt can bring two strangers closer together in the imaginations of each other. This is a great opportunity to create a scenario that someone else can imagine themselves in. You will miss out if your answer is too large or small.

DO : Strive for something realistic, but not simplistic. It’s important to provide them with an idea that will spark a discussion. You don’t need to make a grand plan with travel. It can be as simple as ice cream. It’s not enough to say “Together, we can go for ice-cream.” Instead, you could suggest “Together, we could visit all the ice-cream parlors around town and find out who makes the best pistachio!” This could be a great date, as well as a conversation starter, if your partner likes pistachio.

DON’T: Be too large or small. You will appear boring and lack imagination if you choose something simple, like “grab a coffee.” If you choose something too grandiose, like “Travel around the world” or “Conquer your universe”, there is nothing for people to grasp onto in order to start a discussion.


Prompt #5: My most irrational Fear

This is my favorite prompt on Hinge. As long as it’s not too traumatic, fear can be an excellent way to connect two people. You can also use it to introduce a bit of humor, or tease out a story to spark a discussion.

DO: Be honest. It’s a good general rule, but don’t include any fears that aren’t real. This will only backfire. You should also give the fear some context to make it more meaningful for your reader. Do not just state that you fear heights. Explain where this fear comes from. If you give context to your answer, people will be more likely to engage with your response.

DON’T: Invent something. You will look incredibly lame if you invent a fear you don’t really have. You should always give some context to your fear. You won’t connect with anyone if you only post three words. The context is key to connecting with others.

By Mike

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