How to Break Relationship Patterns



Do you feel that your love life is on repeat?

Unconscious patterns can create outcomes we don’t even want. In my 1:1 or group programs, I focus on breaking these unconscious or conscious patterns. Do you know what patterns are recurring in your relationship?

I believe that the most lasting changes happen at the subconscious level. That is why I use Love CodingTM, which is creating new beliefs, habits and practices to guide your actions in romantic relationships on an unconscious level.

Here are a few tips to help you break your relationship patterns.

How to break relationship patterns

Reflect upon your past relationships

Start by reviewing past relationships to overcome dating patterns. Consider the patterns and themes that have emerged. For example, you may find yourself dating people who are emotionally unavailable or falling in love with people who do not fit your personality. You can begin to change your relationship patterns once you identify them.

Grab a piece of paper and cut it in half. This is one of my favorite exercises that I ask women to do. Write “positive traits” at the top and “negative characteristics” below. Take some time to reflect on past experiences. Write down the positive characteristics of the person and the relationship, and then the negative ones.

After a while, you may realize that you are drawn to people who don’t seem ready for a relationship.

To break this pattern, you can:

  • Choose who you spend your time with more carefully.
  • Set boundaries and invest only in people that are seeking the same kind of relationship as you.
  • Asking bolder questions is a good way to start getting to know someone.
  • You could be more expressive in your communication and express what is important to you.
  • Instead of rushing into a fake relationship, you could observe the person for three months before deciding to be exclusive.

You may realize that you compromise your values and beliefs to maintain a relationship.

To break this pattern, you can:

  • Then, look at your list of qualities and pick only 10. These are your Must Haves. You can ask yourself if you would rather be alone than with someone who lacks this quality. You will then be able to determine what you must have. This is your list of Nice-to Haves.
  • Decide on your five non-negotiables.
  • This can be a useful guide to help you choose potential partners. You can be selective when choosing a partner. It is better to wait until you find someone who shares the same values as yours.

You may realize that you have a fear of being vulnerable, which prevents you from opening up to your partner.

To break this pattern, you can:

  • Consider hiring a Dating Love coach who can help you overcome your fear and anxiety to gain confidence in yourself.
  • Pay attention to the thoughts, feelings and behaviors you are experiencing in the moment without judging them.
  • Start by being honest with yourself.

You may have noticed that you tend to be possessive and jealous when you are in a relationship.

To break this pattern, you can:

  • You practice mindfulness.
  • When these feelings occur, you may start to feel physical sensations such as tightness in the chest or a knot on your stomach.
  • You can then take a breath and respond more constructively, for example, by communicating your concerns to your partner or date.

You can build a relationship that is stronger and more loving by breaking old patterns and adopting healthier behaviors. This will be based on mutual respect, trust and support.

You’re not the only one struggling with old patterns and behaviors that have been preventing you from finding love. There are many other posts on my blog that you may find helpful, including Becoming Emotionally Open to Yourself or Increase your Self-Worth in order to attract the right man

Most of my clients are aware of their patterns, but they struggle to change them. This is why I created Love CodingTM in order to create lasting changes.

Book a Call to Talk Love if you want to learn more about Love Coding. I will also share what you can do now to make a lasting change in your love life.

Why? Because you deserve a fulfilling relationship.

By Mike

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